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Green Spaces in Jamaica

Green Spaces in Jamaica

Green Spaces in Jamaica and the Lack There Of

The island of Jamaica is called the "Land of Wood and Water." And we have many beautiful green spaces being enjoyed by most tourists, and not many Jamaicans. The truth is, many Jamaicans have not taken the time to discover their beautiful island. Either they are too busy doing their 9-5 and taking care of family, or they do not believe there is the need for them to go exploring.

Green Space Attractions in Jamaica

  • Ras Natango Gallery and Garden- Montego Bay
  • Blue Hole- Ocho Rios
  • Original Mayfield Falls- Hertford to Flower Hill Main Road, Pennycooke Jamaica
  • Konoko Falls and Park-Ocho Rios
  • Barney's Flower & Humming Bird Garden

The above mentioned green space attractions, and if you notice I have named some not too familiar ones, are targeting tourists. They ideally do not cater to Jamaicans, unless it is for a group beach trip by a church or school; if they do accommodate.

My ramblings are not targeting these attractions as bad. My rambling, is to make mention of the lack of available parks, and green spaces, in many residential communities. Because many families are not able to enjoy the above mention attractions for one reason or another, I believe the developers MUST make green spaces part of their plans. The families can walk comfortably to the park, enjoy a fountain(that is working), be able to jog, exercise, and have fun.

Jamaica does have a few gated communities that facilitate this kind of recreation, but I believe there is a need for more to be established. They need to be more green spaces establish in non-gated communities. It should be mandatory for developers to make these green spaces as part of the housing development. It should not be only about building houses, but as part of the plan, the families that live in these communities; their well-being.

Jamaica is a developing nation; which boasts of its advanced offerings in technology, infrastructure, education, sports, and music. And we must not miss developing the social well-being of the very people that help make these boasts, reality


My advice is, the very people that choose to live in these communities should lobby for these green spaces to be part of the housing developments that are been build. The Government needs to make this a priority, as we are losing a social part of our people's lives to just a 9-5 and not the holistic reality of family and relaxation in its simplest form. This is nature! And this is encouraging appreciation of beauty in its natural state while causing simple social bonds to develop.

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